Sunday, February 17, 2013

Some Knights Are Better Than Others!

I would like my readers to know that I am a Western Astrologer.  There are five other major studies of Astrology, Arabian, Chinese, Judaic, Tibetan and Vedic.  I have twice studied Vedic at the urging of friends.  There were various reasons I stayed with Western Astrology but the main one was it ignores the three outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.   When any of these three come to a conjunction by transit in your natal chart you will have a most interesting time. I do believe if the practitioner is competent in any of these forms of Astrology they can help you understand yourself.
It should be obvious to most that we live in a dual world.  On this planet  you will fine positive and negative, yang and yin, male and female, Sun and Moon, Mars and Venus, light and dark, day and night.  Many more examples are possible.  It should also be obvious to most that each human is born with both male and female traits.  I have never seen a chart for a male who did not have a Venus and a Moon in it.  And in all of the charts I did for females there was always a Mars and Sun.  Mars and Sun are concerned with action, power, and aggression. Venus and Moon are concerned with your values, idea of beauty, nurturing and preserving live.

People seek partnerships for many different reasons, some conscious and some unconscious.  The more you are consciously aware of what you want in a partner the more likely you will find it.  Some are addicted to excitement while others desire harmony in their relationships.  Deceit is rampant in our world but the most dangerous deceit is when you deceive yourself.  Self deception is bound to bring emotional, mental, and often physical suffering.  Some people are happy with “one night of passion” and others are looking for a lifetime partner.  There are many, many reasons for getting together unfortunately, some admirable and some not so admirable. Sometime these reasons do not lead to happiness for one or both partners.

Understanding and knowing yourself is what astrology is all about. Carl Jung, the Swiss Physiatrist, studied successful marriages by using astrology and discovered that the most happy couples were found when the Sun of the husband was conjunct the Moon in the woman’s chart.  The next happiest couples were when the Moon in the Man’s chart was conjunct the Sun in the woman’s chart.  They were happy but he noted that the woman “wore the pants” or in plain English, she was the dominant partner.  Now this was the last century!  There has been more recent happiness studies that show of married women and men and unmarried women and men, the most happy were in the following order the married man, then the unmarried woman and then the unmarried man and the least happy was the married woman.
That study belies the cartoons of the shotgun in the back of the man and bride in front of the “Preacher or Judge”.  Men benefit from married life while women don’t tend to benefit much from married life.  A married woman’s work load increases while a man’s workload at home decreases.
I strongly recommend that before you call the “Preacher” and make it legal you ought to know some fundamental astrological things about your intended partner.   For easy physical and emotionally happy relationships Mars in the man’s chart should be in easy aspect  by Sign, (conjunction, sextile  and trine) and not necessarily by “degree”, with the Venus in the woman’s chart.  The woman’s Mars should be in easy aspect with Venus in the Man’s chart.  This is very good for sexual compatibility and gratification on the part of both partners because Desires by Mars are easily received by Venus.
Most people probably already realize you can  have sex minutes out of the day, not counting  Viagra!  You actually have to talk to one another if you are living in the same home.  So mental rapport is very desirable in a partner.  It is often more important to a woman than the typical “John Wayne” type male.  If the same easy aspects by Sign, (conjunction, sextile, & trine) not  by degree, are found between the couple’s Mercury there will be mental compatibility.  They will have something to talk about and look forward to doing together in the future which may even be 50 years down the road.  They will tend to have common interests and values.  Mercury rules your mind in Astrology and is neutral.  Mercury does not have a twin or opposite like Sun & Moon, Mars & Venus, Jupiter & Saturn. 
This is why I state in one of the articles on my website that if two people share the same “passion” or “interest” in something before they met, they will often stay together for life. That interest does not include their children.  No doubt it is helpful if both wanted children but children have been known to grow up and move to a very distant city, accidentally or on purpose!  And it is very rare that different generations (every 25 years) like the same music!

It is also very important that the Moon in one chart should be in easy aspect by Sign, and not necessarily by degree, to the Moon in the other person’s chart.  This is because the Moon and it’s aspects in any chart indicate the “habits” of the person.  If the aspects are easy these two people will respond to daily problems in the same way. When habits clash, especially when one partner is insecure, things can quickly blow up into a major problem.  An insecure partner will often try to dictate the dress, diet, or friends of the other partner.  Control freaks are very insecure!
I remember of a dear friend whose parents and the parents of her partner were born in Italy. One was from the north and the other was from the southern part of Italy.  One was raised eating the salad before the meal and the other was raised eating the salad after the meal.  This caused  major arguments in the first years of their marriage.  To an outsider it was just amusing but not so to the couple.  I was lucky enough to meet the parents of the wife and they were both just DELIGHTFUL!  So you can see how important habits can be when two people live in the same abode.
Now if EXCITEMENT is your aim then I would review the above three areas: (sexual relationship=Mars & Venus, mental compatibility= Mercury), and daily habits= Moon) and use the same planets with the aspects that often cause stress or the gnashing of teeth, (square, opposition, and quincunx).  If you are hocked on excitement and don’t mind irritation in your life then go for it.  But be forewarned, it is the one with Mars, the aggressor, who will go outside the relationship to find a more receptive Venus.  This is usually the male in the partnership and is the major cause of divorce.  Women who stray out of marriage usually have a rather cold partner and are in need of a warming breeze.  Unfortunately they often leap before they look and end up needing their lawyer’s services again.  There is a common saying that you should keep the phone number of your lawyer if you marry before two years after the divorce of a spouse.  This is because  you may have  a problem with relationships in general.  If you did not look within and address your problems then you may have a new face beside you but you still have the same old problems.  You really can’t run away from yourself no matter how far you travel.
I confess that I have been married once.  This was before I even knew astrology existed.  I read the newspaper daily in those college days but to my knowledge it didn’t have a “Horror-scope” column.  The information presented in this article would have been very useful.  In 18 years of marriage I was never once asked “Where I would like to vacation?”   That was just one minor problem.  Once you taste freedom, like chocolate, it is very hard to not crave it.  I often say to get a laugh, “I was married once, now I just lease.”  A magnet on my refrigerator says, “My secret fantasy is having two men, one for cooking and one for cleaning!” - make that an Italian for cooking and a Dane for cleaning!
Actually if a fellow who could cook came my way with two Birman kittens in one hand and a computer driven 10 inch telescope in the other hand I just might follow him anywhere!!!
Wishing you much Love, Happiness and a bit of Fun everyday!
Joy Archer


  1. What the he'll is Mercury in retrograde?

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Hi Joy,

    I have been studying Barbara H. Watters book... "The Astrologer Looks At Murder" She uses a technique called the Johndro Chart... Was wondering if you are familiar with that process... On doing the Jack The Ripper Chart she did a Horary Chart, which I found to be interesting as well... Was completely amazed at her reading of this! Would love your feed back on the Johndro Chart... And Horary Chart as Methods Barbara used.

    Also noticed that she use's the energy of fixed stars... Here are some of the Stars she mentions... Scheat... Terebellum... Zosma... Alcyone... Menkalinan... Pollux... Markab... Spica... and Arcturus. Was wondering since you liked this book that Barbara wrote... What is your take or feeling on these stars?

    How important as an Astrologer is it for us to consider these that are mentioned... And are there others that hold significance to a Persons Birth Chart?

    Respectfully Yours
    Gary Wallace
