Sunday, March 17, 2013


Early on Wednesday morning the Sun will enter Aries at 7:02 AM, EDT.  It is one of the four major days of the year in the Western calendar.  By throwing a chart for the Capitol of any Country an astrologer can see what is in store for the next 3 months for that Country.  Therefore the chart used is for the District of Columbia, 077W02'13" and 38N42'33", at the White House which is the dwelling place of the leader of the United States.

There are five planets in Water Signs.  That is 50% in the drink! Three planets are Fire, plus the Ascendant.  One planet each are in Air and Earth.  But the Midheaven is in Earth also.  There is a noticeable lack of balance in the elements.  Emotions will lead over mind with that much water. All of the planets are also on the eastern half of the chart (on the left) except retrograde Saturn which is found in the 7th house, the house of partnerships and open enemies.  When Saturn is going retrograde is acts more like the other “society” planet, Jupiter.  So there may be some accord that should bring benefit to the masses of society, indicated by Saturn’s trine to the Moon. Saturn and Moon forms a Grand Trine with Neptune/Mercury.  But the benefit may be only temporary because the “devil is in the details”.
Naturally the Sun will be at 00 degrees Aries as it will be every year. But is weakened by being in the 12th House of Hidden Enemies.  The Sun is conjunct Venus in Pisces which moderates the troubles waiting in the wings.  That is the only aspect made to Venus.  So money and love may be rationed the next three months.  This could result in money being tighter than Wall Street would like and also higher than usual gas prices. The Sun is also conjunct Mars and Uranus.  Now that is a recipe for sudden trouble most likely with guns and/or military armaments.  I pray the Secret Service is extra alert for the safety of our leaders in the next three months but especially the next two weeks. Pluto conjunct the Midheaven in Capricorn and square Uranus and Mars just adds to the very dangerous mix and indicated the trouble will be in public view.

Mercury is conjunct Neptune which will make for fuzzy thinking in regard to hopes for the future if not out and out deliberate deception by some of our so called “friends”.  This conjunction will continue to make mishaps and mayhem on our oceans and rivers more common than usual.  The fishermen will have a tough season this Spring.

With Pluto opposition the Moon and square Mars/  Uranus there will be an increase in deaths, especially each time the Moon travels through the first decante (first 10 degrees) of the Sign of Libra.  That will fill in the empty hole of the
T-square of Pluto, Mars/Uranus and the Moon in the Equinox chart and turn it into a “Grand Cross”.  That usually brings trouble in Spades!

Our “ground time” on planet Earth is brief, no exceptions.  For some it is briefer than others so I suggest everyone treasure each day and if possible make at least someone smile or better yet, laugh each day. 

Please don’t overdose on jelly beans at the end of March!!!

Wishing your beautiful flowers and happiness this Spring. 
Love from Joy Archer

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Sunday, March 17th, is the day many people all over the earth celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.
The Illinois River has been turned green in honor of this Irish Saint.  I remember the St. Patrick’s Day parade in Chicago that featured Senator Ted Kennedy.  There is much more than a river of green beer served in many bars across the world.
Does Guinness come in green?

The Sun is always in Pisces on St. Patrick’s Day but the Moon is variable and this Sunday evening it will be conjunct Jupiter at 9 degrees Gemini.  That means people (Moon indicates the public) will be in a jovial and talkative mood Sunday evening.  Green beer has been known to loosen the tongue!  The negative is there will be a fair share of extensive blarney because the Moon and Jupiter are also square the conjunction of Mercury and Neptune in early Pisces.  That means that if he proposes marriage to you, don’t start picking out bridesmaids!
Barbara G, Walker stated on page 140 in her book “Man Made God” published in 2010 that a Roman city-god called Petra, or Pater Liber assimilated to the Mithraic pater partum (Father of Fathers), whose title was evidently corrupted into papa, then “pope”.  Thought I would throw that in since we just got a brand new one yesterday.  It is a bit unsettling that he was elected on a void of course Moon and with Mercury Retrograde.  Hope he lasts longer than the last one who planned on “cleaning house”, Pope John Paul I in 1978.

Other variations on this Roman deity was Patricius (Patrick) who later became the nominal patron saint of Ireland and who mythical autobiography was another pious fraud, written 400 years after the saint was supposed to have lived.  Walker claimed the Church was motivated by the desire to earn money from the credulous lay people. Maybe some pub owners had a hand in it too!  The bit about driving out all the snakes from Ireland was also false.  There never were snakes in Ireland because they were probably allergic to the peat in the native soil.  St. Patrick may be a phony or commercial saint who is treated by Catholic scholars with amused tolerance.  But I can solve that problem.  My grandfather was named “Patrick”. Also was my beloved elder brother, his son, and his grandson who was born to his beautiful daughter Kathleen who also married a Patrick.  I graciously volunteer any or all of them to fill the role as a the real St. Patrick!  They would all qualify as a Saint!  I confess Patrick and Joseph are my two favorite male names.

A toast to you all from Joy

Monday, March 11, 2013


A few minutes ago the Moon was conjunct the Sun at 21 degrees Pisces which resulted in a New Moon.  What makes this New Moon most interesting is that five of ten planets (The Sun is really a star and the Moon is a satellite but are lumped together with the 8 planets for convenience) are in just 30 degrees, the Sign of Pisces.  Since Saturn is currently at 11 degrees of Scorpio that makes six of the ten planets in water Signs.   This arrangement makes for a very lopsided chart.  Added to this very large watery mix is the Yod aspect between Saturn, 11/Scorpio and Pluto, 11/Capricorn, and Jupiter at 8/Gemini. 
Most major earthquakes have a hard aspect involving Neptune and/or Uranus.  With this crowd of planets in Pisces there most likely will be some large earthquakes near or in the oceans.  Tsunamis are a strong possibility in the next 2 weeks.  The majority of sorrowful stories in the news the next 30 days will definitely involve water.
Just to make things interesting Mars is at 29 degrees Pisces and within 8 degrees of a conjunction with Uranus at 7 degrees Aries. When those two planets are together it is a very volatile combination of energy. The conjunction will be exact on March 22, Good Friday for the Christians.  Unfortunately there will be major explosions most likely in the Middle East on March 21 and 22.
The New Moon chart for Washington DC shows how this affects the USA.  Mercury is going retrograde at 7 Pisces and is conjunct Neptune at 3 degrees Pisces.  Mercury goes forward on March 18 at 5 degrees Pisces.  These two planets fall into the 7th House, the house of partnerships and open enemies.  This is a red flag of much deceit with both our allies and our open enemies.  North Korea and Iran will be caught in their own lies after Mercury goes direct.  What makes this conjunction extremely dangerous is that Jupiter at 8 degrees Gemini is squaring this conjunction.  This indicates there is a lot of misrepresenting about the solvency of money markets of our Allies, our so called “Friends”.

The next article will be about the Spring Equinox.  It is when the Sun enters Aries at 7:02 AM EDT on March 20.

Friday, March 8, 2013


Venus is called an “inner” planet because it is between Earth and the Sun. Mercury is the other “inner” planet and it is the planet that goes retrograde the most often in a year, usually three times for approximately 3 weeks.
Of all of the planets Venus goes retrograde the least.  Because of their position in our solar system, Venus and Mercury can never be farther than two Signs away from the Sun.  There are actually some so called “astrology” books that place the Sun in Taurus and Venus in Capricorn.  That is a blatant tip that an astrology imposter wrote the book.  Just like the so called Astrologer on Coast-to-coast radio show that told a “call in” (probably his brother in law) who complained about difficulties in his life at the age of 42, the “Astrologer” said he was experiences his “Saturn Return”.  Any real astrologer just had to laugh!

Venus is the name of the Roman goddess of beauty and also the name of a great American woman tennis player!   Venus is associated with love, beauty, and the power of attraction and persuasion.  People with a strong Venus in their chart are usually very sociable.  Venus's astrological twin is Mars, who is an outer planet and represents energetic energy, pursues, outgoing, and how someone expresses their sex drive.

Venus is also known as the “Morning Star”.  That is when Venus rises before the Sun.  This was the time to go to war in many Native tribes of the Americas.  They were not allowed to go to war when Venus appeared in the evening sky after the Sun set and she was the “Evening Star”.  She is the second brightest item in our sky at night after the Moon.  Look in your chart and see where she is in your chart.  Maybe this explains why there are “hawks” and “doves” concerning war.  Maybe it explains why some of us are “night people” and some are “day people”?  Now that is something to ponder!
Venus is the “Ruler” of Taurus, a feminine Sign and Libra, a masculine Sign.  Taurus is the natural 2nd house which rules your property, cattle, homes, cars, boats, possessions, money, jewels, and stocks and bonds.  Libra is the natural 7th house which rules your  marriage or business partnerships, any person who gives you consul like a lawyer, doctor, psychologist, or astrologer. In short, Venus rules your material goods and partnerships.

Therefore if Venus is retrograde in your natal chart you will have some difficulties with money and your love life until it goes direct in your progressed chart.  It indicates you did not handle these areas very ethetically in your past lives.  It means you will have lessons to learn about handling material goods and partnerships in this life. 

The Sign and House placement of Venus in your natal chart will reveal what you love and how you relate to others.  Aspects to Venus will also reveal if you in the main friendly and kind or standoffish and selfish.  The aspect your Venus makes to your partner’s Mars is very important in revealing if you would be compatible for a long term relationship such as marriage.  If your natal Venus aspects your natal Uranus, you may tend to fall in love instantly about every 3 months, and then fall out of love just as suddenly.
Now for the “no-no’s” when Venus is going retrograde in the heavens. It is definitely not a time to “fall in love”, (anytime you fall you tend to hurt yourself!) or get married.  If you do it most likely will not last very long.  It is not a time to buy new homes, property, stocks and bonds, clothes, jewelry, art, or any beauty items.  It is definitely not a time to change your hair style or color.  If you do buy clothes, they most likely will just hang in your closet and talk to each other.  Everyone has no doubt asked themselves at least a few times, “Why did I ever buy that?”

To buy clothes you just love, do it when the “Lights” (Sun and Moon) are in the Signs of Taurus, Leo, and Libra.  It is most likely that Venus is in the same Sign as the Sun so you are bound to find the perfect item.  It is easy to check an ephemeris for these occasions.  It would be wise for dress shops to note these occasions and have a “Special Sale of Beauty”.
Isabel M. Hickey wrote “Astrology, A Cosmic Science”.  It is my favorite Western Astrology book.  If you have an interest in Western Astrology, without a great desire to become an astrologer, this is the ONLY astrology book you need to buy.  Isabel said that if a person is cold and unloving they will most likely have money problems too!  Open up your heart and give of your time, attention, food, drink, and shelter to others. It will result in you never being in extreme need of material goods. 
It is wise to remember, “What you own, owns you”! 
Compassion & kindness is the perfect religion. 
Expressing your gratitude is the perfect prayer.