Sunday, March 17, 2013


Early on Wednesday morning the Sun will enter Aries at 7:02 AM, EDT.  It is one of the four major days of the year in the Western calendar.  By throwing a chart for the Capitol of any Country an astrologer can see what is in store for the next 3 months for that Country.  Therefore the chart used is for the District of Columbia, 077W02'13" and 38N42'33", at the White House which is the dwelling place of the leader of the United States.

There are five planets in Water Signs.  That is 50% in the drink! Three planets are Fire, plus the Ascendant.  One planet each are in Air and Earth.  But the Midheaven is in Earth also.  There is a noticeable lack of balance in the elements.  Emotions will lead over mind with that much water. All of the planets are also on the eastern half of the chart (on the left) except retrograde Saturn which is found in the 7th house, the house of partnerships and open enemies.  When Saturn is going retrograde is acts more like the other “society” planet, Jupiter.  So there may be some accord that should bring benefit to the masses of society, indicated by Saturn’s trine to the Moon. Saturn and Moon forms a Grand Trine with Neptune/Mercury.  But the benefit may be only temporary because the “devil is in the details”.
Naturally the Sun will be at 00 degrees Aries as it will be every year. But is weakened by being in the 12th House of Hidden Enemies.  The Sun is conjunct Venus in Pisces which moderates the troubles waiting in the wings.  That is the only aspect made to Venus.  So money and love may be rationed the next three months.  This could result in money being tighter than Wall Street would like and also higher than usual gas prices. The Sun is also conjunct Mars and Uranus.  Now that is a recipe for sudden trouble most likely with guns and/or military armaments.  I pray the Secret Service is extra alert for the safety of our leaders in the next three months but especially the next two weeks. Pluto conjunct the Midheaven in Capricorn and square Uranus and Mars just adds to the very dangerous mix and indicated the trouble will be in public view.

Mercury is conjunct Neptune which will make for fuzzy thinking in regard to hopes for the future if not out and out deliberate deception by some of our so called “friends”.  This conjunction will continue to make mishaps and mayhem on our oceans and rivers more common than usual.  The fishermen will have a tough season this Spring.

With Pluto opposition the Moon and square Mars/  Uranus there will be an increase in deaths, especially each time the Moon travels through the first decante (first 10 degrees) of the Sign of Libra.  That will fill in the empty hole of the
T-square of Pluto, Mars/Uranus and the Moon in the Equinox chart and turn it into a “Grand Cross”.  That usually brings trouble in Spades!

Our “ground time” on planet Earth is brief, no exceptions.  For some it is briefer than others so I suggest everyone treasure each day and if possible make at least someone smile or better yet, laugh each day. 

Please don’t overdose on jelly beans at the end of March!!!

Wishing your beautiful flowers and happiness this Spring. 
Love from Joy Archer

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