Sunday, April 7, 2013


This is dedicated to Gary who has been very patient waiting for the answer to his question about the meaning of Saturn retrograde.  Gary can out race any dolphin while swimming.  I actually think he taught the dolphins all they know about swimming!

All of the planets go retrograde which in Latin means to “step backwards”. It is only an apparent going backwards because all of the planets are moving in orbits of different sizes and at different rates of speed.  They appear  to move in the opposite direction for a time as viewed against  the backdrop of Earth where most of us live.  They will appear  to be in reverse direction too when viewed against the backdrop of the Fixed Stars.
The Sun is a star and the Moon is a satellite so they do not go retrograde.  Therefore the people with the Sun and Moon as their ruler tend to have an easier time of it.  They just sit and eat chocolate all day and party all night!
Mercury goes retrograde the most often and Venus the least.  Saturn is an outer planet from the earth and it went retrograde on February 19, 2013.  Because it moves so slowly compared to Mercury and Venus, which are inner planets, Saturn is conjunct one degree of the Zodiac for several days.  It was at 11 degrees Scorpio from January 25 to March 15, 2013.  If your natal Sun or Moon was at the degree of the Zodiac you may have felt like you were carrying a mighty heavy load, called Christmas bills.  Seriously your health can be affected if you don't eat wisely or get a proper amount of sleep. Saturn will go direct in motion on July 8, 2013 from 4 degrees Scorpio. Some astrologers believe that the disruption will last until Saturn reaches the degree it was when it went retrograde in February: 11 degrees Scorpio 32 minutes which would be on October 15, 2013.  Placidus de Tito, 1603-1668, thought that retrograde planets caused disease.  He believed that people with more than the usual amount of retrograde planets in their natal chart would be very sickly. His math was not correct in his house system either!  Some of the older astrologers said that the most trouble was caused when Saturn was almost stationary at the beginning and the end of the retrograde period.  Modern astrologers regard retrograde motion to having a delaying influence and a test of your patience.  Some modern astrologers believe that retrograde planets affect your subconscious mind much more than your conscious mind. I would pay more attention to a retrograde Saturn in a horary chart, especially if it was the ruler of the chart or in the 7th house of the chart.  In that case nothing will come of the matter of question. I also would not pour a foundation of a house or building when Saturn is going retrograde. This can be a time when your self confidence wanes and your life may become cluttered with delays and difficulties.  You may find yourself falling back and punting more than usual.

A 1971 wonderful book by Rex E. Bills lists 21 pages with two columns of what Saturn rules.  Just a few are “the Establishment”, leaders, limitation, Karma, discipline, ambition, the rules, cold weather, fear, selfish motives, pessimism ,depression,  seriousness, anxiety, perseverance, and conventionality.  Saturn delays, inhibits and restricts and it focuses on the material.  Some of the people who have Saturn as the ruler of their natal Ascendant, or their Sun or Moon in Capricorn or Aquarius are  born old and become younger as they grow to a ripe old age.” Saturn rules “science” which counts, weighs, sorts and lists that which can only perceived by our 5 senses.  That is why mathematics is regarded as the only pure science.  Math is also the same in all cultures and languages.  That is why it is often used to leave messages to future cultures.
Saturn’s rings have been noted for many years.  Saturn is known for setting boundaries.  It sets limits, like “Tough Love”.  Saturn religions are ones that say “Thou shalt NOT”  kill, lie, play cards, dance, steal: just insert your favorite!  In contrast, Jupiter religions say “Love one another”!  The Jupiter religions focus on a positive reaction to life and the respect and preserving of all forms of life.
The favorite excuse from a saturnine person is “We have always done it this way.  If it wasn’t for the genius that Uranus gifts the human race with, we would still be in the horse and buggy age or even worse!
Many Thanks to Gary for this information.
Keep your comments and questions coming!  Love from Joy

1 comment:

  1. Gratitude Lady Joy... Much Appreciated and well worth the wait... As always, you do me Honor but must confess, it is the Dolphin that taught me how to swim... :)

    Much Love... Gary Wallace
