Tuesday, February 5, 2013

1.   Monday, February 4, 2013
How about those "Black Birds!"
Football is not my sport but I delight in the creativity and wit of the commercials.  Being the last of six children I am very familiar with sibling rivalry which was an added touch this year. It is very amusing to me that these oversized burly guys toss around the ancient symbol of the female, the Yoni.
So what did astrology have to do with the outcome? There was a major editor of the Los Angeles Times who lumped astrology as "New Age". It was in a book that tried to disparage anything to do with New Age. Unfortunately for him he just displayed his ignorance of what he wrote. Astrology is found in all ANCIENT civilizations that could write or mark with knots on a string. There certainly is nothing new about it!  It is one of the most ancient systems of science along with cooking with fire. Most people realize that the days of the week are named after the Sun (a star), Moon (a satellite), and the five planets that could be seen by observation. But few may know that the hours of the day and of the night also are named after these heavenly bodies. When the Super bowl 47 started is was on Sun's day and the hour of Mars.  Well Mars in the skies was conjunct Neptune in very early Pisces. The energy of Mars and Neptune really are not comfortable together. Mars is a steam roller and Neptune is regarded as the higher octave of Venus. Neptune was very well expressed by the very clever commercials. Those Ravens were on a roll and seemed it would be another boring game. Then something very unexpected happened, many of the lights went out. I am willing to bet it was deliberate sabotage and liquids had to do with it.
When the game resumed it was the Sun hour of a Sun day and the San Francisco team was energized and turned the game into a real barn burner.  All of the players truly could walk away with dignity but sadly only one team got the trophy. The score was very close. During the first half I went to my computer to obtain the longitude of the two cities the teams. Baltimore is at 39N17'25" and San Francisco is at 37N46'30". It has been the rule for ancient times that the North dominates the South. That is true in all kinds of power and wars. There is not much difference in longitude or final score. Some of the old timers may remember the dominance of Green Bay Packers. May Anchorage, Alaska should field a team!
Also in ancient and even modern times the corner stone of a building was laid in the north-east corner of the planned building. Spain was first in the area known as the United States in Florida and the Southwest. Then France and finally Johnny-come-lately was England. Today the northeast of the USA holds the intellectual capital - Boston, the financial capital - New York, and the political capital- Washington DC. But my hat is off to California because without that Golden State we certainly would not eat as well as we do in the USA.


  1. I remember The Dallas Cowboys dominating for many years to the dismay of many a NY Giants fans.
