Sunday, August 3, 2014


If you ever find yourself in a liar’s contest I guarantee you can win hands down, if you just claim, “I have never told a lie.”

Lying is always about control.  They want something.  Like a child they want it when they want it – like NOW!  That is like the husband who asked for a divorce late on a Sunday night.  He thought I could get a lawyer.  He already had a lawyer (provided free from his company) therefore we could wrap it all up on the next day, Monday.  The money had already been hidden.

The MOTIVE that generates the lie is what is of the most importance.  Your true intention is revealed by your actions.  As my friends who have lived longest in this land say, “Words are like whispers, Actions are like thunder!”

The following is noted in a rather popular book called the Bible.  Luke 12:2  There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be make known.”  This same book has 10 Commandments listed.  Depending which source you use # 8 or # 9 is about lying.

The early Christians, the Gnostics, had only 2 Commandments.
1.      DON’T TELL LIES.  You know it is a lie and you diminish yourself even though others may believe your lie.
The liar’s punishment is not in the least that he is not believed, but that he cannot believe anyone else.”  George Bernard Shaw
2.      DON’T DO WHAT YOU HATE. Now that should simplify your life.

Lies are also sometimes known as “dissembling, propaganda, or adjustments of reality”.  Give it a fancy name and it may fly!  Politics is the deliberate use of words to screen intentions.  That may be why the majority of lawmakers are lawyers.  We would have a very different world if most lawmakers were farmers!

Lawyers are often called “professional liars”.  Their motive is to get what their client wants, and that may have absolutely nothing to do with the truth.  That is why so many of them have “potato faces” by about age 40.  A lot of lying shows in the face.  Nurses are also often called professional liars.  The patient asks “how am I doing” and they are not allowed to speak the truth because only the almighty doctor can answer that question, so they have to hem and haw and fabricate!

Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored. Be wary of people who tell you how honest they are.  Hang on tightly to your purse.
Only the logical brain, left side of the brain can lie.

I know a man who’s Father very often told him as a child, “Whatever you do, DO NOT LIE TO ME.”  Naturally, this man became very skilled at lying, or though he was skilled.  It is not the wisest move to try and lie to a person who is psychic!

The most common signs of lying are NOT being able to look the person you are lying to in the eye.  The liar often brings one or both of his hands and touches his face near his mouth.  It is like they may have second thoughts about letting the lies out of their mouths.  They will also often speak in a louder voice than normal with much emotion as if automatically that makes it true.  They even think if they repeat their lies often enough they will become true.

Telling the TRUTH often startles, offends, endangers, and upsets the status quo.  Just look at Edward Snowden, the long on-going mess at the VA hospitals and the other Government Agency, CDC. The many other whistle-blowers in Corporations and Governments agencies take a tremendous risk when they speak the truth.  Just because people have some authority does not mean they also have integrity.  I have been lied to by a nun and also by a priest who were Principals of High Schools, one in Kansas and one in New Jersey. Truth tellers are considered dangerous.  They are sickened by the level of corruption and compromise that most people find perfectly acceptable and useful.  One of the more shocking moments I had in a classroom was when a Sophomore in a high school in Arizona asked me what “integrity” meant.  He was not a 4th grader!

A bully is a self-centered person who must have his or her own way.  If challenged the bully will reacts with angry outbursts or enraged confrontations.  Bulling, like sexual harassment, creates a hostile working environment.  And that certainily was the atmosphere at the Nixa Post Office. Gossip, slander, and ostracism are major weapons of indirect aggression.  A habitually liar often believes their own lies.  When asked a direct  question which  if answered truthfully would reveal they were lying, a person may take the dodge of “I don’t remember”.  Once a person lies to me, I never trust anything they say in any future dealings.

Language was given to humans so they might conceal their thoughts from others. When communication is difficult it is a sign that love is not fully present.

Now to the fate of the Postmistress of Nixa, Yvonne Renee Curro.  Her last day at work was July 11.  I was told she took “early retirement”. They are auditioning for a new Postmasters to date!  Heaven help us if they recruit from the same agency they recruit for the VA and the CDC.  Nixa is known as being the KKK headquarters for Missouri.

She knew she was lying and I knew she was lying and she knew I knew she had absolutely NO INTEGRITY!  She had lied for two years about the mail in my mail box that was addressed to either of my names. The USPS in Kansas City decided to believe her blatant lie and ad a few of their own and sweep it under the rug.  You cannot undo the past but what interested me most was her MOTIVE for stopping my mail delivery for eight and one half months.  That is a crime that can land you or me in a Federal Prison!  The only motive that makes any sense is she hoped to run the Astrologer out of Nixa.  That just shows her ignorance or lack of education.  The Three Kings from the East that presented Jesus with gifts at his birth were Astrologers”. Galileo was also an Astrologer but that didn’t help him with the ignorant Pope and Cardinals.  Even when they looked into his telescope that decided to not believe their lying eyes!   

The mind of a bigot is like the pupil of an eye, the more light you pour upon it, the more it will contract.  Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

I learned a great deal from this ugly and costly experience because I have people I can call on for help all over the USA. 
Some of what I learned are listed below:
1.      The Post Office is not a true Government Agency.  Check it out on Google.  It is a Rogue agency and can do as they like without repercussions from the Inspector General.
2.      The Postmaster General in D.C. is supposed to be Patrick R. Donahoe.  He may actually be a ghost because you certainly cannot call his office or e-mail it.  I know Postmasters who don’t even know the phone number of his office.  Maybe he is on the golf course all day!  I sent a second Certified mail to him again on February 6, 2014 and it cost $9.25.  This second message was finally delivered after 7 days en route but I never did receive any kind of response.   So save your money!.
3.      A friend’s husband was on a motorcycle and a Mail Truck delivering mail hit him and he was severely injured in a western State.  Their lawyer was told that the USPS trucks have no insurance!  The husband was in his early 50’s and died 18 months after the accident because his heart was damaged in the accident.
4.      A friend in Florida receives very little mail because his utility bills are paid automatically on the Internet.  His Postal Deliveryman also put into the Automatic System that he had moved and left no forwarding address, without his knowledge.  I have company!
5.      A man in Nixa receives his paycheck in the mail.  It arrived sporadically!  His company and banker are patient and understands the routine of replacing the check.
6.      Most of my neighbors on two streets routinely receive mail that is not addressed to them in their mailbox.
7.      Postmasters are being hired in a Midwestern State that has to work 40 hours or more and has NO BENEFITS!  Is this the death rattle of the USPS?

I APOLOGIZE that I do not receive the comments several people have left.  My webmistress lives in the Philadelphia area and she is stronger on the creative side of websites and she said she is not as strong on the technical side.  She is very busy and popular and also has a beautiful family .  So I have taken steps to attempt to correct  the website so comments can be read by all.  I confess it has been a bit difficult to find someone who will work on an Astrologer’s website in “Dogpatch”!
So please send any positive or negative comments to me at  I can then publish them on the blog.
Many Thanks and Love from Joy

Archer’s parting shot:
Everything ends, breaks, and returns to dust, including you and me!  So have some laughs and fun each day!

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