Monday, March 11, 2013


A few minutes ago the Moon was conjunct the Sun at 21 degrees Pisces which resulted in a New Moon.  What makes this New Moon most interesting is that five of ten planets (The Sun is really a star and the Moon is a satellite but are lumped together with the 8 planets for convenience) are in just 30 degrees, the Sign of Pisces.  Since Saturn is currently at 11 degrees of Scorpio that makes six of the ten planets in water Signs.   This arrangement makes for a very lopsided chart.  Added to this very large watery mix is the Yod aspect between Saturn, 11/Scorpio and Pluto, 11/Capricorn, and Jupiter at 8/Gemini. 
Most major earthquakes have a hard aspect involving Neptune and/or Uranus.  With this crowd of planets in Pisces there most likely will be some large earthquakes near or in the oceans.  Tsunamis are a strong possibility in the next 2 weeks.  The majority of sorrowful stories in the news the next 30 days will definitely involve water.
Just to make things interesting Mars is at 29 degrees Pisces and within 8 degrees of a conjunction with Uranus at 7 degrees Aries. When those two planets are together it is a very volatile combination of energy. The conjunction will be exact on March 22, Good Friday for the Christians.  Unfortunately there will be major explosions most likely in the Middle East on March 21 and 22.
The New Moon chart for Washington DC shows how this affects the USA.  Mercury is going retrograde at 7 Pisces and is conjunct Neptune at 3 degrees Pisces.  Mercury goes forward on March 18 at 5 degrees Pisces.  These two planets fall into the 7th House, the house of partnerships and open enemies.  This is a red flag of much deceit with both our allies and our open enemies.  North Korea and Iran will be caught in their own lies after Mercury goes direct.  What makes this conjunction extremely dangerous is that Jupiter at 8 degrees Gemini is squaring this conjunction.  This indicates there is a lot of misrepresenting about the solvency of money markets of our Allies, our so called “Friends”.

The next article will be about the Spring Equinox.  It is when the Sun enters Aries at 7:02 AM EDT on March 20.

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